carlos says:
we´ll have to sacrifice some nordic blood to satisfy the lisbon godess ofilia
or she will flood lisbon
the river will swallow lisbon
anna says:
ähhh. good you warned me. will build a wall of morangoskas around me to protect me from the portuguese sauvages - don't tell me its raining? i want to flee snow and mud and rain!
carlos says:
not raining at the moment
pretty good weather actually
anna says:
ah can't wait! how was your birthday? are you full of elderly wisdom now?
carlos says:
yes, like the rabi in "serious man"
coen brothers movie
anna says:
new one?
carlos says:
the new i think im gonna watch it tonight
anna says:
i will watch something even more shocking....ah whole new level of bad has risen in front of my shocked eyes....its fascinating.....
my new studying for my level test tooL: watching episodes of portuguese soap operas on you tube. i am amazed how bad it can get
carlos says:
im embaraced
portuguese soap iperas
anna says:
its like watching an accident. you just cant stop looking even if you know it will destroy your soul
carlos says:
how do you call it when you get ashamed for others?
anna says:
don't know in englisch. in German there is a verb for that "fremdschämen"
carlos says:
i get fremdshâmen watching portuguese soap operas, and i dont have to be with people, even alone... its pretty powerfull yeah...
anna says:
i never saw something like this. i am amazed. an abyss of crap opened out of the blue.
carlos says:
ahahah its a kind of fetish... you must be into sodomization stuff
thats a pretty strong indicator
anna says:
nooo. I got just sick of studying list with irregular verbs - that is more sadomasic actually.... - and i needed to practise listening...and then i found those.......
carlos says:
download all the joão cesar monteiro movies
we have cool portuguese documentaries also
anna says:
i can't download!! my internet connection is crap (will change next week when i move) but still.....i don't know how to download.........i will have to go back to my vocabulary lists
carlos says:
i dont know if you can find them in the internet
the only thing you nedd to know is
fouda-se and caralho
and you´ll be allright
every sentence you can squeeze it in
anna says:
one of the first things i learned in Sweden of the portuguese......
and you can always add puto if you want to be cool
carlos says:
and if you can finish and start a sentence with these two, mixing it a little in the middle you get combo point
puto you dont get much point, its new wave surfur boy slang the got mainstream
anna says:
puto, fouda-se ( always thought it spells fodes , vai para o caralho e enerva outra pessoa!
carlos says:
*that got
vai chatiar o caralho
anna says:
i will male lots of friends....
carlos says:
this is a good one
you can´t beat the classics
anna says:
too bad owning badass cursing skills in portuguese want help me in school
carlos says:
tell your teacher " queres verbos irregulares vais para o hotel.... fouda-se olha-me este caralho"
quarta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2011
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